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Autoriego Flowerpot Cubic Owl Color 30 Kit Complete Black

Brand: Lechuza

Reference: 13138

Offer: £53.05
PVP: £126.32


With the self-growing pot of the owl brand, an effective water supply can be enjoyed through the intelligent irrigation system that ideally combines modern design and the irrigation function for garden plants. It includes planted bucket and automatic irrigation system to enjoy the plants without needing to manually water them every day, which becomes effective after 12 weeks after planting (the first three months it will be necessary to water the plants in a traditional way, until the roots grow enough). Includes: hanger and bucket to facilitate the transplantation of other pots. Easy drive. High resistance to all types of climates. Color: Slate Gray that perfectly complements the colors.


More information
  • Modern design.
  • Built-in self-irrigation system.
  • Includes: hanger and bucket to facilitate the transplantation of other pots.
  • Breaking and UV resistant material.
  • Easy drive.

Comments (1)

| 05/08/2020 | Verified purchase
Autoriego Flowerpot Cubic Owl Color 30 Kit Complete Black

Estas macetas me gustan mucho, tardé mucho en recibir el pedido pero me puse en contacto con la casa y me explicaron que no tenían existencias y me daban la opción de devolverme el dinero o de esperar que ya estaba a punto de llegar Esperé y quedé satisfecho Les recomiendo estas macetas para interiores Muynpracticas

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Questions (1)


Que altura tiene?

Store response | 20/04/2021

Hola! 56,5cm En la segunda foto estan las medidas. Saludo!

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