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Black iron shelf, 56 x 35 x 160 cm | Klaus

Brand: Catter House

Reference: KHG05240

Offer: £37.87
PVP: £69.23


More information


- Measurements:

- 56 x 35 x 160 cm.

- Thickness of the structure: 1.9 x 0.03 cm.

- Weight:4.5 kg.

- Color :Black.

- Material:Chrome-plated iron.

- Collection:Klaus.

- Brand:Catter House.

- Specifications:

- Shelf with 6 shelves and hooks for hanging utensils.

- Maximum weight supported per shelf: 35 kg

- Total weight supported: 175 kg.

- Style: Industrial.

- Use:Interior and exterior.

- Certificate:CE.

< b> - Observations:Assembly required. Easy to assemble and without tools.

- Maintenance:Clean with water and neutral soap.

Comments (2)

| 14/06/2024 | Verified purchase
Black iron shelf, 56 x 35 x 160 cm | Klaus

Top, mesmo o que precisava. Boa qualidade e preço muito interessante! Recomendo

Store response | 17/06/2024


La ringraziamo molto per aver trovato il tempo di esprimere un giudizio positivo su di noi. 

Siamo lieti che siate soddisfatti del nostro prodotto. 

Se avete domande sul vostro prodotto o su uno qualsiasi dei nostri prodotti non esitate a contattarci. Grazie per averci dato fiducia,

Team Qechic

| 13/10/2023 | Verified purchase
Black iron shelf, 56 x 35 x 160 cm | Klaus

Consegna puntuale , materiale pratico e comodo da montare, soddisfatta del prodotto .

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (2)


Sarebbe disponibile uno scaffale Klaus 90x40x180 senza rotelle?

Store response | 02/11/2023

  Buongiorno, Fausta

  L'altezza massima del modello Klaus è di 160 cm.

  Cordiali saluti


Esta estanteria (56x35x160) se puede dividir en dos? Gracias de antemano.

Store response | 21/01/2023

Buenas tardes, no se puede dividir, tenemos otra estantería de 80 cm de altura, le adjuntamos el link para que pueda verla. Saludos, el equipo de QeChic


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