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Wallpaper, a 'must' in decoration trends for this spring

March 23, 2023

It is common for us to associate the redecoration of a room with a change of furniture, either in its location or by replacing it with new elements. However, we do not usually realize the potential that walls offer and how, through small details that do not even require work, they can change the perception of the room b>.

For this reason, at QeChic we want to discover the advantages of placing wallpaper, one of the most followed decoration trends for the recently launched spring. Take note!

Wallpaper, a 'must' in decoration trends for this spring

A different style for each type of room

As fashion always returns, the return of wallpaper as a decoration trend is now marked by modern designs and compositions that offer a range of possibilities that adapt to the characteristics of the different rooms that you want to wallpaper.

In this way, you have at your disposal the TNT-based wallpaper, that is, non-woven fabric. It is formed from a base of cellulose and polyester fibers. It is breathable and can also be washed. For all these reasons, it is ideal for those rooms where you spend more time, such as the living room.

Another variety is vinyl, the most resistant due to its waterproof coating. Withstands heat and humidity, making it perfect for kitchens and bathrooms, where it can also be easily washed.

This is how to apply wallpaper with wallpaper glue

First of all, you should have on hand a measuring tape, a spirit level, a ruler, a pencil, a cutter, a brush, a roller, glue and wallpaper brush, and a damp sponge. After this, measure the height and width of the wall and then multiply these measurements together; so you will know the square meters you need.

On the other hand, you should bear in mind that regardless of the measurements of each roll of wallpaper, experts recommend taking 10% more to have enough margin.

After evaluating these details, place the wallpaper on the smooth wall and cut a strip with the cutter, leaving a margin of about 5 centimeters both above and below. Then, make a mark with the help of the level and the pencil in a straight line to indicate where the paper should be placed.

Next, glue both the back of the wallpaper and the wall. Take into account their rapport, that is, the pattern of their drawing. Depending on this detail, place a well-smoothed first strip and place the next one horizontally so that this pattern fits with the one you already placed previously. It is important that the edge of the wallpaper is aligned with the mark you previously made on the wall and that you fix each strip of paper with the help of a roller.

Finally, use the wallpaper brush and stick the paper from the center to the sides, as you unroll it and avoiding in any case the formation of bubbles< /b>. Once you have the wall papered, cut off any excess pieces from both the top and bottom, preferably before the glue dries. Finally, wipe the wallpaper with a damp sponge to get rid of any glue residue.

Floral motifs, an irresistible design for this season

In our catalog of flower wallpapers you will find a great variety of designs, modern and eye-catching, with which you will illuminate any room.

In this way, you have available models such as the Obesum 1 Tropical from the Saint Honoré brand. It is a wallpaper with tropical motifs in green, purple and beige tones. Although if you are looking for a more oriental style, you can opt for the Misaki 3 paper with Japanese flowers in black, an original and powerful alternative.

Other designs propose animal prints, as is the case of the Heise wallpaper with monkeys on branches, whose style based on the sketch gives personality to the room.

Check out the different categories of wallpapers that we put at your disposal at QeChic depending on the type of design: plain, patterned, geometric... Print spring on the walls of your home!

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