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elliptical bikes

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elliptical bikes

Exercising healthy and respectful of your health is possible thanks to QeChic's elliptical bikes. They are characterized by offering a reduced impact in training, promoting the toning of your upper and lower body.

Why buy an elliptical trainer?

Before venturing out to exercise, you must choose a machine that will help you achieve the goals you have set for yourself. As we already know, this type of bicycle helps you work on toning your upper and lower body and strengthening your cardiovascular health. In addition, due to the type of exercise that it offers you, you will be able to enhance your coordination and balance.

But at QeChic we don't want to stay here alone. We go one step further and we want you to know how this aerobic exercise machine gives you another series of health care benefits, we tell you about them below:

Exercise of 0 impacts.

Did you know that running is one of the sports activities where the body suffers the most? This is due to the aggressive impact that the body suffers against the pavement and, in addition, it has to work to maintain its balance, since you do not have both feet on the ground.

Elliptical bikes offer you a healthy sport with 0 impacts, making sure your joints do not suffer any type of injury or deterioration.

Improved calorie burning.

Being an aerobic exercise, it makes you reach a high heart rate, which helps you lose weight and burn calories. It is ideal if your goal is to lose weight.

Treadmills also offer you this advantage.

Toning of the upper body.

Unlike stationary or spinning bikes, this type of machine provides you with a complete exercise. In addition to toning the muscles of your lower body, you will work the upper body; arms shoulders pectorals, doing a more complete exercise.

At QeChic we offer you the ideal cheap elliptical bike to start your own training sessions. Remember! Consistency is the secret of success.

How to keep it in perfect condition?

So that your exercise is not affected, it is very important that you keep your elliptical bike in good condition, for this, we offer you a series of tips:

1. Check the health of the screws.

2. He greases his joints every half a year or so.

3. Check the manufacturer's instructions on the lubrication that the bicycle needs for its correct operation.

4. Put it on a flat surface, where there is no unevenness on the ground.

As you can see, it doesn't require strict maintenance, you'll just have to check the condition of some of its parts from time to time. You do not need to write it down on the calendar, with the use itself you will realize when a screw is looser or if you have to put oil or lubricant in any of its areas.

Enjoy your exercise!

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