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Extendable glass and gray metal dining table, 110/170 x 70 x 75 cm | Milan

Brand: Mideco

Reference: 3003720020017

Flash offer: £221.17
PVP: £348.13
  • Quantity
  • Many units in stock
    Taxes included
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Extendable dining table made of tempered glass and gray metal structure from the Mideco brand. Stylish and functional.


More information


- Measurements:

- Dining table: 110 x 70 x 75 cm.

- Extended dining table: 170 x 70 x 75 cm.

- Weight:35.3 kg.

- Color:Anthracite grey.

- Material:Tempered glass and metal structure.

- Collection:Milan.

- Brand:Adec.

- Specifications:For 4 diners or for 6 diners when extended.

- Style:Modern.

- Observations:Assembly required.

- Maintenance:We recommend using a dry or slightly damp cloth. To remove stains use a damp cloth with neutral soap for the paws and glass cleaner for the glass and then dry.

Comments (1)

| 14/04/2023 | Verified purchase
Extendable glass and gray metal dining table, 110/170 x 70 x 75 cm | Milan

Produit soigné, très bien emballé. Un peu lourd, et nécessite deux personnes pour le montage. Je recommande pour ceux qui aiment l'élégance.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (2)


Bonjour, je suis intéressée par cette table toutefois j'aimerais savoir comment sont fixés les pieds, quels outils sont nécessaires : tournevis, clé à laine etc... j'en ai besoin même si je pense que c'est fourni dans le kit, merci. cordialement

Store response | 07/02/2024

Bonjour, Jacqueline

La table est livrée complète avec le matériel et les accessoires de montage.

Elle s'assemble à l'aide d'une clé Allen ou d'une clé L.

Meilleures salutations


Não se vê a mesa aberta na totalidade. Gostava de ver . Obrigado

Store response | 02/11/2023

  Bom dia, Paulino.

  Pode ver a mesa aberta no carrossel de imagens por baixo da imagem principal.

  Seria a quinta e a sexta imagem.

  Nestas imagens pode ver o mês aberto.

  Com os melhores cumprimentos

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