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Flower pot Autoriego Lechuza Classico Color 28 Complete Kit 27.5 x 26 cm White

Brand: Lechuza

Reference: 13190

Offer: £30.96
PVP: £73.71


A pot of autoworking model Classico Color 28 of the international brand Lechuza. It has a modern design in beautiful matt colors that combine with any environment and make it essential, whether in the living room, on the balcony or on the terrace. A basic model for all audiences, all spaces, with the best materials and the Lechuza manufacturing guarantee. Perfect for exterior and interior by simply removing a plug. Avoiding control of the irrigation of our plants every day will save us a lot of maintenance time and will increase our satisfaction. It is made of high quality materials that have been treated to resist the action of UV rays.Made with break-resistant plastic. Manufactured to resist UV rays. Very low weight Plant volume: 9 l. Available in white, red, black and brown. Usable indoors and outdoors by simply unscrewing the cap from the bottom. Recommendations: The water storage system will be effective from approximately 12 weeks. The reason is that it is approximately the time it takes for plants to develop their root system in order to absorb water from the storage system. Once we have the plant planted, we must water for the first 12 weeks from the top. If we want to install the pot outside we must remove the plug that is in the base so that in case of rain, if the tank overflows, the excess water can drain.


More information
  • Modern design combinable in any environment.
  • Built-in self-irrigation system.
  • Breaking and UV resistant material.
  • Removable screw that protects plants from excessive water in case of rain.
  • Basic model for all spaces.

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| 15/04/2020 | Verified purchase
Flower pot Autoriego Lechuza Classico Color 28 Complete Kit 27.5 x 26 cm White

Fácil de montar. Funciona genial

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