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KRISTEN-Female figure in multicolored polyresin, 19x15x101 cm

Brand: Kuatéh

Reference: 50221011415991

Offer: £83.22
PVP: £155.99
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Kristen female figure, made of polyresin bathed in white gloss and hand painted with cheerful colors in blue and red. Being a resistant material, you can also place it outdoors protected from sun and water. His stylized female figure


More information
  • Decorate your home with these original feminine figures made of polyresin
  • They are hand painted with very striking colors
  • Polyresin is a very resistant material and allows its placement in exterior

Comments (1)

| 21/04/2021 | Verified purchase
KRISTEN-Female figure in multicolored polyresin, 19x15x101 cm

La figura es perfecta. Más bonita si cabe que lo que imaginamos. Cuando la recibimos tenía un pequeño fallo, y al referirlo, la verdad es que la respuesta ha sido inmediata mandándonos otra. Muy satisfechos con la compra.

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