▷ Online store of design and decoration furniture — Qechic
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Decoración de Navidad

Los mejores regalos y detalles para celebrar esta Navidad

Christmas gifts

The most awaited e most awaited

The most eagerly awaited time of the year is here and, with it, the cities begin to be impregnated with hope and solidarity. The season begins where chocolate with churros is the ideal breakfast and, for lunch, chestnuts are a must.

At QeChic we want to help you find the ideal gift for your loved ones. From Christmas table decorations to the warmth of a plaid, this year we believe it will be the most precious gift.

But before we start, let's pay special attention to the wrapping. We know that, on many occasions, paper is unruly and doesn't help you to achieve an ideal presentation. For this reason, QeChic offers you a workshop that will take place in our physical shop Európolis, Las Rozas.

Santa Claus makes December 24th special and, with the arrival of the Three Wise Men on January 5th, we put on our best clothes, some even in our pyjamas, everything is ready to receive the affection of the time invested by your loved ones.

In QeChic we have prepared a series of gifts to show off a perfect Christmas table decoration, which will impregnate your celebrations with design and elegance, a gift that will undoubtedly excite decoration lovers. Vista Alegre's tableware are the most outstanding pieces in our catalogue, they are made of porcelain and are carefully crafted down to the smallest detail.

And what do we do with the coldest of the cold? We will have to take care of them at this time of year so that they can overcome it and "not die of cold" as they say. At QeChic we have made a selection of plaids which are renowned for the quality and softness of their material. Also, ideal for inducing a wonderful nap, you can also accompany it with the comfort of our cushions.

Prepare your Christmas list

Are you one of those who leave Christmas presents to the last day? At QeChic we want to make sure that the "out of stock" doesn't tarnish these magical nights. Check out our tips:

1. Make a list of the items that you are looking forward to.

2. Check availability on our website and check delivery times.

3. Take into account the return period.

4. We have cash on delivery methods, the ideal solution if you share a credit card.

5. Beware of prying eyes! Find the perfect hiding place to go unnoticed.

And that's it! All you have to do is wait for the arrival of this long-awaited day to place it on the tree and wait to see the excited faces when they discover their Christmas present.

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