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Pack of electrical appliances, 1 toaster and 1 black electric heater

Pack Price: £64.19
Offer: £67.57
PVP: £132.73
  • Taxes included
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An essential pack in your kitchen, a perfect tandem for your snacks and breakfasts to be a success. Composed of a toaster to enjoy toasted bread and a water heater for your infusions. Both made of stainless steel covered by a layer of black polypropylene and with very beautiful finishes in natural wood.


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They have an auto-shutdown system for your safety, that is, when the kettle exceeds 100 degrees it turns off by itself and the toaster as you program the 6 levels of heat intensity.

Thanks to its color black you can combine them with the rest of the furniture perfectly.


- Measurements:

< p>   - Toaster measures: 29.2 x 18 x 19 cm.

   - Kettle measures: 25 x 21 x 27.5 cm.

- Weight:

   - Weight of toaster: 1.2 kg.

   - Kettle weight: 1.08 Kg.

- Color: Black.

- Material:  Polypropylene, stainless steel and wood.

- Brand: Caprizze.

Its maintenance is easy, as long as you use a damp cloth and blot afterwards with a dry one.

Comments (1)

| 18/07/2024 | Verified purchase
Pack of electrical appliances, 1 toaster and 1 black electric heater

O melhor pack de sempre! Exatamente o que eu pretendia em termos de design e funções! Deixou a minha cozinha perfeita e uma cliente mais do que satisfeita ;)

Store response | 18/07/2024

Boa tarde, 

Muito obrigado pela sua avaliação e pelo seu comentário. Ficamos contentes por ter ficado satisfeito com o nosso produto. 

Dispomos de um serviço de apoio ao cliente que responderá a todas as questões que possa ter.

Os nossos melhores cumprimentos e esperamos voltar a vê-lo em breve, 

Equipa Qechic

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Buenas Para quando a disponibilidade destes itens? Esperando... Nova casa em decor e este conjunto caprizze é o que combina com a cada. Obg

Store response | 23/10/2023

  Bom dia, Cláudia

  Verificámos junto do fornecedor e o modelo Nara em preto estará disponível em fevereiro de 2024.

  Com os melhores cumprimentos


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