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Planter with Self-Watering Balconera Color 80 Brown, 79 x 1 9x 19 cm

Brand: Lechuza

Reference: 15684

Offer: £40.35
PVP: £96.06


Decorate the balcony with this beautiful auto-gardener that will save you the work of watering the plants because it has an ingenious built-in self-irrigation system. Decorate your balcony in a clean, modern and simple way. With self-irrigation system that will allow us not to have to be watering daily, especially in the hottest times. An unbeatable hydrojardinera! Inside there are two separate planting buckets with handles that will allow us to extract them and be able to plant our flowers without having to lift an excessive weight and without having to disassemble the gardener completely. This is a great advance especially for subsequent transplants. And all this manipulation without having to clean and avoiding damaging the decorative part. The balcony of LECHUZA makes the balcony of your dreams come true: plant the planting bucket comfortably on the base or on the plant table. Suitable for exteriors and interiors. Plant depth: 12 cm. Storable water volume: 5 liters. Irrigation kit included.Color: Nutmeg.


More information
  • Built-in self-irrigation system.
  • Decorate your balcony in a simple and modern way.
  • Includes two separate planting buckets with handles.
  • Irrigation kit included.
  • Make the balcony of your dreams come true!

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Comments (1)

| 23/03/2020 | Verified purchase
Planter Autoriego Balconera Color 80 cm complete kit Brown Owl

Buena jardinera, lo único que no me gusta de ella es el precio.

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