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SIDNEY Crystal Console with Wooden Shelf, 80x30x76 cm

Brand: Dugar Home

Reference: CON-11

Offer: £325.78
PVP: £465.40
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    Get it on 8 - 14 Apr
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Glass and wood console with simple and functional design. This furniture is the one you need to place in your entrance or hall or in a hallway. Its structure is made of tempered glass with a wide base and curved finishes and it has a wooden shelf that creates an elegant contrast. The tempered glass has a thickness of 12 mm providing resistance to the whole. Its wooden part has a honey tone that reveals the beta and you can use it to leave your keys, wallet or any object you need to have organized.


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This console will fit in with any decorative style, you can introduce it with Nordic, industrial or contemporary decorations, as it is very versatile.

For its assembly you will only need basic tools and you can clean it with a damp cloth.

Bet on this piece of furniture to receive your visitors and surprise with its exclusive design!


- Measurements: 80x30x76 cm.

- Material: Tempered glass and wood.

- Color: Transparent and brown.

- Weight: 27 kg.

- Assembly: Simple, manipulate between two people.

Comments (1)

| 19/10/2023 | Verified purchase
Sidney console in tempered glass with wooden shelf80 x 30 x 76 CM

Alles okay

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Questions (8)


Lo tenéis disponible en otras medidas, como por ejemplo una longitud menor?

Store response | 01/03/2023

Buenas tardes María, 

Sólo esta disponible en esas medidas.

Un saludo,

El equipo Qechic


Buenas tardes tienen esta consola de cristal sin el estante de cristal.

Store response | 01/03/2023

Buenas tardes Carlos,

Tenemos esta concola disponible (referencia: 73009)


No tienen las mismas dimensiones pero sin estante inferior es lo único que tenemos.

Espero haberle ayudado.

El equipo Qechic.


Buenas tardes , Quisiera saber a que distancia se encuentra el estante. Tengo un radiador en la pared y quisiera saber si me encaja . Preguntar di tienen alguna exposición o tienda en Madrid para poderlo ver Muchas gracias

Store response | 19/11/2022

Buenas tardes, La distancia a la que se encuentra el estante es 56 cm de altura y 77 cm de ancho. Tenemos ésta consola para que la pueda ver en nuestra tienda de Európolis - Madrid, calle Oxford 4 B, estamos abiertos de martes a sábado. Saludos el quipo de QeChic

See all questions

Hi - Really nice console table. Few questions: 1/ I would like to see few more detailed photos, is it possible? Particularly the texture/type of the wooden shelf. 2/ For how long do you have the sale? 3/ Is there anywhere we can see a product in display in Athens/GR? Thanks

Store response | 09/11/2022

good evening,

We regret to inform you that our store is in Madrid, we attach a photo, we cannot tell you how long the offer will last. Greetings, the QeChic team


Buonasera, vorrei avere se è possibile delle foto più dettagliate sul colore e le venature della mensola in legno della consolle, poiché vorrei confrontarla con un mobile che ho già. In attesa di vostre notizie vi ringrazio anticipatamente.

Store response | 20/04/2022

Buon pomeriggio, vi inviamo le foto del legno della consolle direttamente alla vostra mail. Saluti


Pouvez vous me joindre pour faire une commande. Merci

Store response | 30/10/2021

Bonjour, vous pouvez nous contacter par courrier tienda.europlis@qechic ou par téléphone 603438405. Une salutation


Si potrebbero avere altre foto, particolari della venatura e colore del legno. Vorremo abbinarlo ad una piccola seduta in legno, color rovere chiaro. Cordialmente Fabrizio

Store response | 15/10/2021

Bonjour, la taille du bol est de 30 cm de diamètre et 13 cm de hauteur, nous n'avons pas de couverts à servir. salutations

Store response | 15/10/2021

Buon pomeriggio, come hai richiesto, abbiamo inviato le fotografie alla tua e-mail in modo che tu possa confermarlo. Ti auguro il meglio

Store response | 15/10/2021

Bonjour, la taille du bol est de 30 cm de diamètre et 13 cm de hauteur, nous n'avons pas de couverts à servir. salutations


Salve!Per cortesia se potete indicare l'ho spazio tra i due ripiani. Grazie!

Store response | 07/04/2021

Buongiorno. 16 cm misura lo spazio tra i ripiani. Saluti.

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