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high sideboards

Showing 37 products
Showing 37 products.

tall sideboard

Discover the wide variety of QeChic vertical sideboards. You can find them in different styles, shapes and colors. With different numbers of drawers and shelves, ideal for organizing your rooms and show off your figures and decorative lamps.

High sideboard in the living room: why add them?

Not creating overloaded spaces is one of the points where you will be most careful when adding a piece of furniture. Whether your room is large or small, in the QeChic catalog you will find the sideboard you need for your home.

As we already know, you can find them with horizontal and vertical dimensions, which They offer you a series of different sensations. In this case, at QeChic we want you to understand what are the characteristics that the high sideboard furniture in our catalog provide you.

Whether you have larger or smaller spaces, It is important to create cozy sensations where the cleanliness of the visual path of the living room or dining room is present. This vertical piece is perfect for creating this feeling of well-being, with a certain dose of elegance, provided by a tall piece of furniture.

The advantages that this type of sideboard offers you are incalculable; design , elegance and freshness of environments, are some of the characteristics that define them. At QeChic we want you to get the most out of this piece and, for this, we offer you a series of tips that you cannot ignore if you want to achieve a design 10:

• Behind your sofa : As we already know, the sofa is a piece of furniture that is made to display its elegance ahead. From behind, the image is much bulkier and less aesthetic. To alleviate this situation, adding this piece is the ideal option to minimize this impact and ensure that elegance continues in the environment.

• Corners: Its vertical structure provides a sensation of of height movement, managing to stand out and add liveliness to the corners of your home, making this area not go unnoticed.

• Bedroom: Go to match your bedroom tables is your main goal. In this way, it manages to finish the design body of this room. It works as an auxiliary piece of furniture to organize your bedding, pajamas or other items.

• Dining room: Create the perfect pair with the showcase in your home. By having a vertical shape, it has a greater storage and distribution space. It is perfect for large and small dining rooms.

What to look for before choosing a sideboard?

At QeChic we want to help you choose the perfect piece of furniture for your home. In this case, we will tell you which points of this decorative piece you should pay attention to in order to achieve the design you are imagining.

Before we begin, we want to emphasize the great versatility and aesthetics that confer to your rooms. Its vertical character allows you to place it in points where there is not much space. If they have larger rooms, it serves to add a dose of originality and elegance.

Without a doubt, the high sideboard in the living room is a way of reinventing the aesthetics of design, where the conventionalisms are in the background and innovation has reached the first place. Before choosing it, we recommend that you take into account the following points:

• Prominence: Do you want it to be the central piece or do you prefer it to go unnoticed? ? That is the question you should ask yourself. Its vertical shape enhances the figure of the room where it is located. If you prefer that it not be the main piece of your room, we recommend low sideboards.

• Design: Minimalist, classic or contemporary? It can follow the line of the current design or break stereotypes and add a different character.

• Material: This is the point where you will have to pay the most attention. The metal gives it strength and character while the wood adds the elegance of the natural essence and a feeling of creating welcoming spaces. Both offer you the resistance and durability you want.

• Utility: If you want to accompany your storage unit with the extra storage offered by the sideboard, then choose those that do not have with many drawers or shelves. On the other hand, if it is your main piece, it is important that you look at the number of compartments it offers.

• Colour: Although it may not seem like it, it is a point that you have to take into account, if not to say that it is the most important. Each tonality confers some sensations in your space, therefore, you must choose the one with which you feel identified. White is one of the most chosen due to the amplitude and luminosity that it offers you. You can also opt for light colors and the natural tone of the wood.

The barriers of design have been created to break them. We encourage you to give Bring to life the interior designer in you and reach the top of space decoration thanks to the high sideboard furniture from the QeChic catalogue.

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