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White pine chest of drawers, 100 x 40 x 80 cm | Max

Brand: Quality

Reference: 16107

Offer: £199.41
PVP: £284.88
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- Measurements:

- Measurements of the chest of drawers: 100 x 40 x 80cm.

- Measurements of the interior of each drawer: 81.5 x 34 x 15 cm.

- Weight:22 kg.

- Color:White with interchangeable knobs in natural color.

- Material:Pine wood.

- Brand:Quality.

- Collection:Max.

- Specifications:

- Wooden dresser with 3 drawers.

- The knobs are interchangeable.

- Weight supported by each drawer: 5 kg.

- Style:Classic.

- Observations:

- Assembly required.

- Lumps: 1.

- Recommendations:

- It is recommended to clean with a slightly damp microfiber cloth.

- Avoid use abrasive products.

Comments (2)

| 22/06/2024 | Verified purchase
White pine chest of drawers, 100 x 40 x 80 cm | Max

Crea una bellissima atmosfera nella mia camera al mare, mobile stabile dalle giuste dimensioni, molto bella la laccatura con le venature del legno, stabile, lo consiglio

Store response | 24/06/2024


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Team Qechic

| 30/11/2023 | Verified purchase
White pine chest of drawers, 100 x 40 x 80 cm | Max

Trevlig, snygg och lättmonterad byrå

Store response | 30/11/2023

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