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Wooden wall mirror, 90x8x190 cm

Brand: Vical Home

Reference: 21159

Offer: £418.99
PVP: £612.33
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The wooden wall mirror, 90 x 8 x 190 cm, of the Vica brand is ideal for installation in the room. It has a decorative border in brown wood with a markedly rustic style. It is a decorative and functional furniture at the same time.


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Technical specifications:
The wooden wall mirror can be integrated in an environment with a modern style, preferably in light tones. With a brown border, it combines perfectly with wooden furniture.
In addition, its dimensions of 90 x 8 x 190 cm facilitate its installation, even in small rooms. Ideal to integrate it into a modern room, preferably in neutral tones. The mirror gives a feeling of spaciousness and luminosity in the room where it is located.
  • Material: Wood
  • Brown color
  • Style: Ethnic
  • Measures: 90 x 8 x 190 cm

Comments (1)

| 20/08/2020
Wooden wall mirror, 90x8x190 cm

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